Dealing With Requests

There are a couple rules every DJ should follow when it comes to requests.

 Image titled Be a Good DJ at a Dance Step 9
No Repeats : It is never a good idea to repeat a song twice in a night, this is lazy and unprofessional. Be sure to save the more popular songs for later in the night when there are more people there. 
 Image titled Be a Good DJ at a Dance Step 10
 Don't play everything : You can't blame a cleared dance floor on the person who requested the song, you can only blame yourself for playing it. Use your crowd reading to decide if a song will work and when it will work. Although you should try to play as many requests as possible, if you keep everyone dancing and having a good time they will remember you as a good DJ even if you don't play everything they requested. 
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Play it when it's appropriate : If you are planning to do a set of dance music in 30 minutes save the request for Sandstorm until you do it. Don't feel you need to play a request as the very next song.


  • Music
    • Use charts and radio to tell you what is popular. Billboard is one of the most popular music charts and has a different chart for each type of music plus an all encompassing chart.
    • Unless you know inappropriate language is okay, use only Radio Edits.
    • CDs like the Much Dance, and Big Shiny Tunes collections can help you build a varied selection of music.
  • Danceable vs. Popular
    • Just because a song is popular does not mean it's danceable. Songs like "Crank That" by Soulja Boy or "Earned It" by The Weekend may be very popular in your school but play it some time and try to dance to it the way you would normally dance to music.
    • You need to make sure you are playing things people want to hear but at the same time, make sure the song is something people can dance too.
    • If you use iTunes to DJ a party, download the newest version. There is a program called iTunes DJ where, if you allow people to, they can make requests with an app on their iPod Touch/iPhone. Go to for more information.
  • Do not be overly anxious and have a good internet connection.

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